The start of a new year is big business for the paper industry. Shopping malls, boutique shops, and general stores display new calendars, agendas, and planners. Are you going to buy one for 2021?

Yes, paper calendars are useful!No, paper calendars are wasteful!
Everyone should start the year with a new paper calendar. Hanging a paper calendar in your office or your study space ensures productivity, organization, and progress. You will stay up-to-date on upcoming events and never miss a deadline. Overall, paper calendars are here to stay!Paper calendars are a wasteful purchase. In addition to having to write everything down, paper calendars are not as functional and convenient as digital calendars. Save your money and use your phone’s calendar app instead. After all, paper calendars are a thing of the past!

Which type of calendar do you prefer: paper or digital?

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  • Are paper calendars useful or obsolete? Explain.