Not too long ago, people watched television on television. Can you imagine? They had to tune in at specific times and could not binge their favorite shows. Fast forward to today and TV happens anytime, anywhere, and on any device. Is this a dream come true, or have we gone too far?

It’s a dream come true!It’s a nightmare!
Choosing what to watch is the best part of my day. I begin by turning on my smart TV to check every streaming service my friends and I subscribe to.

Once I learn what is new or trending on each streaming service, I check out the ratings, reviews, and descriptions.

Anything with a great review, a high rating, and an interesting description makes it to my ‘must watch’ list, which I promptly send to all of my friends.

Sometimes a smart aleck will make fun of my system and say they watch TV without spending a dime. But I personally cannot pursue that lifestyle – I sign up for every streaming platform!
Choosing what to watch is the worst part of my day. I begin by turning on my smart TV to check every streaming service my friends and I subscribe to.

Then I switch back and forth between platforms to see what my friends are watching and whether any of it looks interesting.

By the time I finally find something that looks promising, some smart aleck will suggest a new streaming platform I haven’t even heard of!

Then I have to start the process all over again! In my opinion, streaming platforms are a dime a dozen and I can’t wait to unsubscribe. I’m better off saving money and watching regular TV!

How many streaming services do you subscribe to?

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  • Which streaming platforms do you watch?
  • Do you believe there are too many streaming platforms? Explain.