Nowadays, counting calories is all the hype. There are plenty of apps which can input the number of calories a food has by simply scanning the barcode of the product. Does scrutinizing nutrition facts have more benefits or fallbacks?

Get instant insight into your dietStop Obsessing over Calories
Most people are overeating or undereating and have no way of knowing it. Counting calories helps them see exactly how many calories they are consuming, as most people often consume calories absentmindedly. By simply tracking the calories, people will be more inclined to make healthier choices. This is not just for people on a diet. Many people claim to skip meals due to the busyness of their schedules. This makes sure they are reaching enough calories for their weight goals.People need to stop obsessing over every calorie that they consume. They should try to eat healthy and exercise. Moreover, counting calories has been taboo for years because it has been associated with eating disorders. Many people who have a negative self-image will use calorie tracker apps to ensure that they are at an optimal weight. People need to spend more time living and enjoying food than constantly micro-tracking their lives.

Does counting calories do more harm or good?

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