☂Grammar QuizQuiz: Is it good or well?Quick! Is it you bake good or you bake well? Is the bread good or is the bread well? Good...
☂Grammar QuizQuiz: Is it stationary or stationery?Quick! Which is which: Are you stationary or stationery? You have stationery or stationary? The difference is subtle: Stationary with...
☂Grammar QuizOh no! I spilled water on ____.Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and the object of a sentence refer to the same person. In other...
☂Grammar QuizNegation in the Past TenseIn English, negation requires the auxiliary verb “do” if the main verb of the sentence is not “be” or a...
☂Grammar QuizModal VerbsModal verbs are never conjugated, meaning they don’t change based on time, person, or number. This should make them easier...
☂Grammar QuizShort AnswersA conversation like this is not very common: Alex: Do you want a glass of water?Kate: Yes, I want a...