Do you live an eco-friendly lifestyle? Check out these tips on improving the environment and your wallet.

Buy consciously. In an era of fast-fashion and cheap products, it is easier than ever to put things into your cart that you don’t really need. Not only does this lead to clutter in your house, but it is likely that these items will end up in a donation pile or garbage pile within a couple of months. When you do need items, consider buying them second-hand. Second-hand items can often be better quality, more unique, and cheaper. If you’re able to, also consider in investing in pieces from companies who source their materials responsibly, pay their workers fairly, and minimize their waste.
Minimize the amount of trash you send to the landfill. Once you have reduced the amount that you buy, the next steps are to recycle and compost. Check with your local government to see exactly which products can be recycled. Paper, cardboard and glass are generally recycled more than plastic. In fact, only about 9% of plastics are recycled in the US. Composting is an excellent way to make use of your organic waste. Instead of sending it to the landfill, composting allows it to be used to make fertilizer. Many cities have communal compost centers where you can drop off your waste.
Invest in reusable products. Spending $20 on a reusable water bottle is more than $1 on a single-use water bottle, but soon enough, you will see that you’re actually saving money with reusable products. When you use reusable water bottles instead of plastic ones, rags instead of paper towels, reusable Ziploc bags instead of single-use bags, you’ll be spending a large chunk of money once instead of multiple times a year.
Be mindful of how you’re getting around. In the US, it’s very common to have your own car instead of using public transportation. If you have access to public transportation, consider taking it more often. Most importantly, try to limit the amount of flying you do. If it is possible to take a train, bus, or even drive to your destination, this is much better for the environment, as a short three-hour flight in economy class can release around .646 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere per passenger.


  • Do you follow these tips? Why or why not?
  • What other tips can you think of?