An interview with Monica on 2020 and 2021. First listen, then read the transcript. Repeat as needed.
1) What are your thoughts on 2020?
2020 has been quite the year… It’s been a year that I wish I could forget, but that I feel that I’ll never forget and yeah… It’s been hard for every one I think, but there have been some positives. I know for me I found so much joy and connection through Language Snaps and for example, our reading group Towards Awareness – I’ve met so many teachers and students from around the world and it’s been so nice to just meet together and connect and share ideas, and I find it crazy that we only started this 6 months ago because it feels like our group is very tight-knit and close. And I always look forward to our meetings. So that is one of the positives of 2020.
2) What are your hopes for the new year?
2020 has made me feel like… what’s the in point for planning for 2021? And my hope is really that everyone is able to find some sort of tranquility and peace after such a hard year. For me personally, my hope is that I’m able to remain present, to focus on the things that I can change, to find an ‘okayness,’ an acceptable of the things that I can’t change. Those are kind of some of the lessons that I learned in 2020.
3) What can we expect from Language Snaps in 2021?
You can expect a lot from Language Snaps this coming year. A lot of our students know us from social media, especially Instagram. On there a major goal of ours is to get more input from our students to make sure that our page is a reflection of them and their learning goals. And yes, we want our Instagram to be something that just helps students reach their learning goals. So we’ll be asking for a lot more input. Questions like which words specifically do you need help pronouncing?What grammar topics do you want us to talk more about? Things like that.
Over on the site, our snaps are going to become more interactive. We’re going to have a lot more discussion questions and vocabulary help, and things like that. We’ll continue to offer our group classes and private tutoring. And another big priority of ours is going to be having workshops. So workshops on so many different types of topics. Topics like how can I become a more affective writer? And topics like how can I speak more fluently? So, yeah, I’m very much looking forward to 2021.
4) And do you have any language-learning goals of your own?
I do have a couple of language learning goals of my own. I definitely want to continue practicing Swiss-German, which I do with my sister and my dad. I think I am doing pretty well so I want to make it a weekly habit of just practicing reading and yeah… This year I’ve been lucky to find a bunch of Swiss-Germans on instagram that you know, gives me the listening practice that I hope Language Snaps gives to a lot of you guys. And another language learning goal of mine is to continue learning French. Again, online this year I found a speaking partner for French, which is really exciting because it pushes me to study every week so that I’m more prepared for our conversations.
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